eaere feem viu european summer school index


Deadline for
February 1st, 2007

Last update:
August 7th, 2008

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2008 Summer School

EAERE-FEEM-VIU European Summer School on
Space in Unified Models of Economy and Ecology

Venice, July 6th-12th, 2008

The 2008 Summer School will take place from the 6th to the 12th of July at the VIU campus on the Island of San Servolo, in Venice, located just in front of Piazza San Marco.

The theme of this Summer School is Space in Unified Models of Economy and Ecology. Economic and ecological systems evolve in time and space. Interactions take place among units occupying distinct spatial points and geographical patterns of production activities, urban concentrations, or species concentrations occur. The emergence of spatial patterns in economics has received relatively little systematic analysis, with the notable exception of the body of knowledge developed in the context of new economic geography. On the other hand, the concept of diffusion has been used in ecological modeling to explain spatial pattern formation in ecological systems.
Spatial analysis, in ecological modeling has received increased attention recently through the joint Beijer/FEEM/ICTP program.

The purpose of this Summer School is to review and present methods of modeling spatial problems in ecological economics, and to show how these methods can be used in environmental and resource management. In this context the Summer Schools is expected to cover issues associated with:
- the use of diffusion processes to model evolution in time and space;
- the implications of "the Turing mechanism" for diffusive instability, and the emergence of steady state spatial patterns;
- the control of diffusion processes in ecological/economic models which evolve in time and space;
- applications of spatial methods to environmental and resource management and regulation problems, where space is important as in cases of patchy environments, species movements, pollution diffusion. These problems could include harvesting of renewable resources, management of pollution diffused in space, bioinvasions, elements of spatial econometrics and GIS.

Updatings  ...

April 30th, 2008
- The participants' list was posted (Download Area - ESS Documents).

May 27th, 2008
- The programme oversview was posted (Programme).

June 5th, 2008
- The students' papers were posted (Download Area - Students' Papers).
- The logistical information about arriving into Venice and to the venue was updated (Logistical information).
- The downloadable file with logistical information was posted (Download Area - ESS Documents).

June 10th, 2008
- The lectures' outlines of prof. Xepapadeas and prof. Levin were posted (Download Area - Lectures' Notes).

June 20th, 2008
- The lectures' outlines of prof. Giupponi and prof. Zeeuw were posted (Download Area - Lectures' Notes).

June 23rd, 2008
- The lectures' outline of prof. Wilen was posted (Download Area - Lectures' Notes).

July 16th, 2008
- The presentations of prof. Giupponi, prof. Rauscher and prof. Xepapadeas were posted (Download Area - Lectures' Notes).

August 7th, 2008
- The photos were posted (Download Area - ESS Documents).

Please note that this website is constantly updated. We sugget you to visit it frequently in order to keep yourself up to date.

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This activity is part of the ESS RESECON project, that has received funding from the European Community's Sixth Framework Programme, Marie Curie Actions - Human Resources and Mobility.
Sole responsibility lies within the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.


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