eaere feem viu european summer school index


Last update:
July 31st, 2009

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2009 Summer School

EAERE-FEEM-VIU European Summer School on
Economics, Transport and Environment

[under ESS RESECON project]

Venice, July 5th-11th, 2009

The 2009 Summer School will take place from the 5th to the 11th of July at the VIU campus on the Island of San
Servolo, in Venice, located just in front of St. Mark' Square. The theme of this Summer School is Economics, Transport and Environment.

Transport is considered one of the main sources of externalities. Important externalities are air pollution, noise, congestion, wear and tear, but also accident, congestion and schedule delay costs imposed upon others. It is proposed to focus the Summer School not only on environmental problems in a very narrow sense but also to study the interrelation with the other types of externalities. Transport externalities need a somewhat different analysis from most other externalities in the sense that the level of the externalities feeds back into the level of the activity: increased congestion and accident levels decrease participation in transport activities.


Download the group picture!

- The lectures' slides were posted (Download Area - Lectures' Notes).
- The final programme overview was posted (Programme).
- The lectures' outlines and reading lists were posted (Download Area - Lectures' Notes).
- The students' papers were posted (Download Area - Students' Papers).
- The file with updated logistical information about how to reach Venice and the venue was posted (Download Area - ESS Documents).


Please note that this website is constantly updated. We sugget you to visit it frequently in order to keep yourself up to date.


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Marie Curie Actions - Human Resources and Mobility Marie Curie Actions

This activity is part of the ESS RESECON project, that has received funding from the European Community's Sixth Framework Programme, Marie Curie Actions - Human Resources and Mobility.
Sole responsibility lies within the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.


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